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Parenting education app

Healthy Seed Happy Baby App

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The Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU, together with Health Seed Centre has developed the “Happy Baby App” to assist parents with children aged 0 to 3 years old by providing detailed parenting guides. The app aims to help parents understand their child’s developmental stages, allowing the child to grow up happily and healthily.


Education videos of identifying developmental problems

Educate the educators – Early identification & management of preschool children with special needs

Do parents worry about the developmental problems of children?

Under the funding scheme for children’s well being and development, The Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine has worked hand in hand with Heep Hong Society to carry out ‘Educate the educators – Early identification & management of preschool children with special needs program’. The program provides all-rounded educational videos for preschool teachers, educates educational staff on the identification of signs suggestive of early developmental problems and provides practical methods to help uncover the potentials in children with special needs.