Parent-child Activities

0-3 months

Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play
Put your baby on the bed and attract him/her with colourful ribbon to facilitate him/her to turn his/her head Allow baby to grasp your hands while chatting with him/her.

Talk to your baby when feeding baby or changing baby’s diaper. Imitate your baby’s sound as response.

Place baby on your naked chest or tummy and cover with a dry towel or light blanket to keep warm. Your baby will then adjust his/her heartbeat, breathing and body temperature.

Attract baby with a toy over one side so to facilitate baby to turn to the side and rollover.

Attract your baby with rattle to grasp it

When singing songs or carrying your baby, you can gently shake and hold onto his/her hands to enhance his/her listening skill.

Pay attention to your baby’ needs and respond accordingly:
1. When your baby displays signs of irritability and crying, you may need to change his/her diaper and comfort his/her emotions with a gentler tone.

2. When your baby yawns and/or gets heavy eyelids, it indicates that he/she is tired and needs a nap.

3-6 months

Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play

Attract baby on one side with toys and let him turn from lying flat facing up to the side, and encourage him to roll over

Encourage your baby to transfer the rattle ball from one hand to another when he/she is playing the rattle ball with both hands Talk to your baby and wait for his/her vocal responses Imitate your baby’s sounds or laugh to attract his/her response
Sit-up: Baby lies on bed. Parent pulls baby’s hand to sit up.

Play simple games with baby eg. Peekaboo, singing Chinese rhymes.

6-9 months

Gross motor Fine motor

Language  Social / Play
Baby learns to sit with round back, by 7 months, baby will learn to sit with straight back.
You could encourage your baby to transfer the toys and let him/her hold and loosen the toy with his/her own hand.
Praise your baby when he/she tries to babble/ read aloud the story
Place your baby on the bed after bathing and play with him/her eg:tickling him/her, blowing on his/her tummy, making use of a small face cloth to play peek-a-boo with him/her, gently rubbing his/her little feet, finally applying cream on his/her body

Encourage your baby to crawl after toys or sounds

Encourage your baby to put things in and take things out of a big container

Talk to your baby while feeding him/her, and introduce names of food and tableware, e.g. milk and spoon to him/her

Encourage baby to respond to his mirror image

9-12 months

Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play

Encourage your baby to stand and walk with the support of bedside rail

Baby plays cause-and-effect toys eg pop-up toys.

Encourage baby to do gestures according to the rhymes, when hearing nursery rhyme

When your baby walks away and plays alone, you could observe at a distance and occasionally say to him/her that “I see you are picking up…”, “I see that sometimes you did it , sometimes you didn’t, it’s ok, when you grow older, I bet you can do it well always.”, “I am proud of you.” etc.

Baby pulls to stand holding onto furniture.

Baby picks up puffs using thumb and indedx finger to grasp.
Ask baby the sound of the sounds of an animal and encourage him/her to imitate

When your baby drops a toy or food, you could ask “Where did your toys/food go?” and lead him/her to look for it. After he/she looks for the dropped food/toys and finds the second toy/food you could describe and encourage him/her to express his /her thoughts by voice/gesture.


Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play

Encourage your child to walks on ground with different textures, such as grass or sand.

Child stacks 2 blocks.


Ask your child some yes-no questions like “do you want the ball?”, and encourage him/her to express decision by nodding or shaking head to response.

You could teach your child different parts of body and encourage him/her to point his/her eye, ear, mouth and other body parts.
Child walks while pushing a cart/ toy stroller. Child stacks toilet paper roll layer by layer. Pay attention to your child’s oral sounds and non verbal sounds, and then make responses. Play games “pat-a-cake” with your child. Mother and child clap their hands together to the rhythm of an accompanying nursery rhyme.

18-24 months

Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play

Encourage your child to walk upstairs and downstairs

Encourage you child to draw with palm-grasp crayon

Read stories to your child, and imitate the emotions or actions of the characters together

Shadow dance ! Parents and child can jump, wave, crouch, run or use fingers to create shadows imitating animals.

Child walks on cushions to train balance. Play with blocks – parents can stack up blocks together with your child. Parents can encourage child to stack up the blocks as high as they can. Encourage your child to seek help verbally eg mummy pretends that she has forgotten to give the child a spoon during dinner, so the child will need to ask for the spoon. Can try to give your child a box that has been closed tightly. Mummy can encourage the child to ask for help. Marching Band – parents and child can imitate that they are leading a music parade. Parents can use rattle, bell, whistle, chopsticks with milk powder cans imitating as a drum.

24-30 months

Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play
Encourage your child to run and play the ball in the playground
Encourage your child to draw lines from point to point Blow bubbles and encourage your child to speak out his/her names to get more bubbles or blow the bubbles, like asking “Who wants more bubbles?”.Red Light, Green Light – Plays “Red to stop, green to go.” with baby.

*Good to involve 1 or 2 more children*

Child throws the ball overhead and catches the ball with both hands. Encourage your child to fold the paper and make a door, and let the door stand on the table. Treasure box – encourage your child to select items from a toy box, after selection, ask your child to name the item and tell you the use of the item. You can start the game first by telling him – ‘this is a ball, I can throw or kick a ball!’

Art and Craft – make a phone with your child using 2 paper cups connected by a string. Mummy/ daddy can talk into the cup and your child can hold the other cup over his ears to listen to mummy/ daddy.

30-36 months

Gross motor Fine motor Language Social / Play
Take your child to outdoor activities, eg: riding tricycle
Encourage your child to draw circles

Engage your child in pretend play, eg: feeding bunny doll; Ask your child to follow at least two-step commands

Play and share toys with peers
Encourage your child to stand with one leg for at least 3 seconds eg. Let’s pretend to be a flamingo! Encourage your child to zip and unzip his/ her zipper and button/ unbutton his/ her cloth Use numbers to communicate with your child, eg “I have more cookies than you. Let’s count 1,2,3…”or “You have two eyes, your teddy bear also have two eyes, let’s count 1,2…”